The Caring Church, Preparing the World by Sharing the Word


[Part II]

Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:1, 2
New King James Version

We have discovered the essentials to bearing burdens are to have people who not only show themselves as SIBLINGS but also go deeper into serving in a SPIRIUTAL capacity.

We have come to know that those who are spiritual are the ones who are responsible for RESTORATION.

Whenever someone finds themselves overtaken in a fault, trespass or sin, Paul tells us to look to those who are spiritual to restore. When it comes to our brothers and sisters who fall short of the glory of God, then the responsibility of restoration doesn’t just fall to anybody but those who are spiritual. Why? Because in the church you have spiritual and carnal believers. The carnality is motivated by the flesh and can become emotional but being spiritual is motivated by faith. The spiritual ones are not those who react to actions but respond to God’s word in their action.

One of the signs of the spiritual is how they restore. Paul says, “….restore one with a spirit of gentleness…” What is interesting about this characteristic of the spiritual person is that it is mentioned in a previous chapter that speaks to the fruit of the spirit. It is not a coincidence that gentleness is revealed within the fruit of the spirit to be used in restoration when it comes to our brothers and sisters who are in shame, dealing with guilt, or find themselves in fault.

Those who are spiritual have the assignment to restore with a spirit of gentleness that speaks to a balance of being sensitive and strong. Sensitive enough to deal with the vulnerable and strong enough to handle those who can be detrimental to the body of Christ and a danger to themselves in sin [SELF-INFLICTED-NONSENSE].

The challenge of the 21st century church is to move beyond the sibling relationship to a spiritual relationship that looks to restore those who find themselves overwhelmed in guilt to be able to overcome by faith.

God Bless

Dr. James A. Simmons, Senior Pastor

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