First Good Samaritan Baptist Church
Weekly Word
The Caring Church, Preparing the world by Sharing the WORD!

Sermon Prepared By Minister Gloria Dunbar-Webb

Mark 3:31-35 NLT

31 Then Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him. They stood outside and sent word for him to come out and talk with them. 32 There was a crowd sitting around Jesus, and someone said, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.” 33 Jesus replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” 34 Then he looked at those around him and said, “Look, these are my mother and brothers. 35 Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”


Family relationships tend to be far stronger than the relationships we have with other people. Brothers and sisters put up with more from their siblings than they do from outsiders. Family members also tend to be willing to do things for their families that they would not do for even their closest friends.

Jesus gives us a clearer picture of family values. When Jesus was told that His mother and his brothers were there to see him, instead of stopping what he was doing, Jesus simply said, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?”

The crowd identified with his earthly family by blood. Jesus identified his spiritual family which was the crowd. Spiritual business takes priority over earthly business and spiritual relationships take priority over human relationships –

Family is important, but it is not — all important. Jesus said that anyone who does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” So, what is the “will of the Father” that Jesus is talking about? It is in John 6:40 Jesus tells us in very clear terms just what the will of the Father is.

The will of the Father is for sinners to believe on the Son. When a lost person receives Jesus as his or her Savior, they are saved. At the moment of salvation they become a child of God. Romans 10 v. 9 says That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

We must do the will of God to be a family member. The good news is that we all have an opportunity each day we live to do better and live a life that is pleasing to God.

Written by
Minister Gloria Dunbar-Webb
Assistant to Pastor Simmons

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