The Caring Church, Preparing the World by Sharing the Word
“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.
Matthew 18:15 NIV
It has been our focus in the New Year to encourage our Church in the area of “Family Strengthening.” This is a part of our mission in 2019 which is DEVELOPING DISCIPLES FOR KINGDOM BUILDING, WHOLISTIC LIVING AND FAMILY STRENGTHENING.
Paul reminds us that prior to renewing our minds that there must be some releasing involved that speaks to giving up or letting go of some people or things. What is holy, acceptable and reasonable to God is that we become a living sacrifice. Are you willing to let some things go?
This sermon was focused on those involved in the family of faith. Matthew shares with us a conversation that Jesus was having with His disciples in relationship to reconciliation among the brothers and sisters in the faith. Many have gone through years of unforgiveness that has hindered are growth individually and collectively within our families. The Church should be the example to set the standard regarding reconciliation within our individual families and also our family of faith.
Jesus says that in order to bring about reconciliation, the one who has been offended must become the INITIATOR FOR REUNITING WITH A BROTHER OR SISTER WHO HAVE COMMITTED THE OFFENSE.
Many people in the faith can not get along because they bypass vs. 15 and go to vs. 16. When you bypass the one and go to everyone else then you create gossip instead of exercising the gospel found in Matthew 18:15. When you bypass vs. 15 and go to vs. 16, then reconciliation is not what you are going for but a RECRUITMENT FOR RETALIATION.
We shared with our congregation that the next time somebody come to you with some issues that they have with their fellowman/woman, ASK THEM HAVE THEY GONE TO THE ONE WHO OFFENDED THEM FIRST. IF THEY HAVE NOT EXERCISED MATTHEW 18:15 THEN YOU TELL THEM THAT THE APPROACH YOU WILL TAKE IS I THESSALONIANS 4:11 which is….
• 11 Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.
Dr. James A. Simmons, Senior Pastor