First Good Samaritan Baptist Church
The Caring Church, Preparing the world by Sharing the WORD!
[From Growing to Grown]
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
I Corinthians 13:11 King James Version
This passage of scripture is from the pen of Paul to the church at Corinth. It is a familiar chapter that defines love in so ways that share what LOVE IS and what LOVE IS NOT. However, embedded in this chapter is a verse that speaks to transitioning from “childish” behavior to becoming grown in God.
What is interesting is that Jesus calls for us to become like a child.
• Matthew 18:1-4
4 So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. [Matt. 18:4]
Now what looks to be an inconsistency in our featured text and Matthew’s reference is not a contradiction in how they see “child” but there is a clear perspective from both Paul and Jesus with respect to the word “child.”
There is no inconsistency with I Cor. 13:11 “child” and Matt. 18:4 but there is a distinction that will bring clarity to both passages. It is in I Corinthians 13:11 that speaks of the “child” reference as being CHILD-ISH but Jesus mentions becoming a “child” that speaks of being CHILD-LIKE. There is a difference. When Jesus calls us to be “Child-like” it speaks of an innocence but acting Child-ish speaks not to innocence but insolence.
There were times when we spoke as child, understood as a child, and thought as a child but when we became a man/woman, we put away childish things. What needs to be concluded in this text is that many people in church are GROWING OLD BUT HAVE FAILED TO GROW UP.
It’s time to GROW UP in the Lord. When you are growing means there are growing pains that speak to child-ish behavior at times but being Grown speaks to a maturity. It is between Growing and Grown that we are MATURING that refer to our development which is GROWN-ISH. We are all a work in progress!
Rev. James A. Simmons, Senior Pastor